Here’s our round up of the useful UX Design resources we’ve come across recently.

8 UX Requirements for Designing a User-Friendly Homepage Carousel (Baymard Institute)

Homepage carousels can work well, but in practice most carousels don’t. Usability research by the Baymard Institute shows that homepage carousels can be helpful to users if they adhere to a 8 key implementation details, and that these vary from desktop and mobile sites. In this article they detail 8 implementation details and outline how and why mobile and desktop differs.

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Overuse of Overlays: How to Avoid Misusing Lightboxes (Nielsen Norman Group)

“Poorly implemented overlays and lightboxes are not only frustrating for users, but can also be disastrous for conversion and task completion. Use the five W’s – Who, What, When, Where, and Why – to determine whether an overlay is truly the most appropriate design solution, and how you should implement it.”

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The Fold Manifesto: Why the Page Fold Still Matters (Nielsen Norman Group)

“What appears at the top of the page vs. what’s hidden will always influence the user experience—regardless of screen size. The average difference in how users treat info above vs. below the fold is 84%.”

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Using Proto-content for a Better User Experience (UX Booth)

“A content-first approach to a website redesign requires exactly that: all the content before any design work has started. The reality of the situation is that this is rarely feasible, because content is hard. The content lifecycle of planning, production, publishing, measurement, and governance requires ongoing time and effort, often from people who have other priorities. Good, useful, relevant content that meets business needs and user goals is a big investment.”

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François Roshdy

François is director of user experience at Border Crossing UX. He specialises in helping clients continuously improve the experiences they deliver.